Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools - 1647 Words

ZHANG 1 HAO ZHANG Documented Essay -Draft #3 Professor Warmbold English 120, Section 06 4 May 2013 Should Junk Food Be Banned in schools? My aunt, who has been in New York City for more than 20 years, told me that in the past, she always made her two sons’ lunches to take to school during school years which was more nutritive and less expensive. Her sons at that time were energetic and played outside a lot. But soon after, they did not bring their own lunches anymore. They asked for money from my aunt to purchase food in school canteens. Possibly my aunt thought that she worked too much to prepare her sons’ lunches, so she allowed them to purchase food in canteens at lunch time. Gradually, a number of problems†¦show more content†¦The problem is that buying snacks very frequently can cost students a lot of money. Second, I often see some students eating junk food in class. The problem in this situation is when students eat in class, they often don’t pay much attention to what the professor says. More, students around the eaters can be affec ted by the sound of chewing and the smell of the food, leading to distraction. Also, eating too much junk food can cause obesity and other health problems. In the article â€Å"Effects of Junk Food on Health†, Gary Pearson points out that â€Å"the effect of junk food on health settles as bad as it could be especially when you eat too much of some†. He believes that junk food can affect the normal work of the heart, because too much cholesterol is absorbed in the body. And if there is too much plaque that results from cholesterol in vessels, the heart has to provide more energy to pump blood, which can cause people feel tired. Pearson explains that too much cholesterol can damage the liver, and then cause obesity. In another article â€Å"Reasons Eating Junk Food Is Not Good†, Tracey Roizman, D.C. points out that junk food can result in diabetes by elevating insulin levels. Also, junk food may lead to depression in teenagers. She gives data that consuming trans fats, saturated fats and processed food is associated with up to 58 percent increase in risk of depression. AsShow MoreRelatedShould Junk Food Be Banned at School1699 Words   |  7 PagesShould junk food be allowed at school? Junk food is generally defined as â€Å"a diet high in processed foods and soft drinks† (Wiles et al., 2009, p.1). By definition, junk food contains artificial food colorings and preservatives, including fast food, oily foods, snacks and high sugary beverage. Students usually eat snacks between meals. According to McPhail et al. (2011), the snacking habit among students has increased in the past twenty years. This means students are taking more junk food in a higherRead MoreJunk Food Should Be Banned In Schools774 Words   |  4 Pagesor not junk food should be banned in schools. One side believes that students have the freedom to choose whatever they what to eat. While the other side argues that junk food needs to be replaced by a healthier alternative. There are plenty of different arguments that these sides believes in. For the concern of the health and wellness of the students, schools must completely ban all junk food in school. It has been implied by a number of news sources and other people that school junk food bans areRead MoreArgumentative Essay - Junk Food1617 Words   |  7 PagesShould the sale of junk food in school cafeterias be banned? In more traditional years, parents had to prepare packed lunch for their kids when going to school. However, in present times, most parents are already incapable of doing such things. This is because they lack the luxury of time with the hectic schedules that they have. Parents tend to just give money to their children to purchase what they need. Given this kind of situation, students are exposed to a variety of options and they areRead MoreJunk Food872 Words   |  4 PagesJunk food has been getting a bad rap recently in society. It is believed that junk food is a leading factor in childhood obesity and should not be allowed in public schools. Due to this many school systems have enacted bans, or strict regulations that limit or completely exclude junk food in schools. Junk food should not be banned in schools because schools profit and are able to fund education and extracurricular activities through selling it, junk food isn’t as harmful as one would think, and evenRead Mo reJunk Food in Schools1480 Words   |  6 Pages TAL 201 May 6, 2013 Current Issues Paper Junk Food In Schools Introduction Although not easy to admit, it is a fact that a big percentage of the world’s population today likes junk food. Many people have become accustomed to eating foods with high levels of refined sugars, processed grains, and a number of other unhealthy ingredients (Trice, 2010). Essentially, companies have replaced nature’s own ingredients with highly processed products and chemicals to reduce costs, extend shelf lifeRead MoreEssay On Junk Food935 Words   |  4 Pages Ban of Junk Foods Candy, chips, juice, and fries! Our favorite foods being snatched from our eyes. The topic of whether junk food should be banned or not in schools is becoming more controversial throughout the country. The government has enforced healthy nutritious meals for kids worldwide due to the rapid spread of child obesity. Junk food should not be banned in schools because junk food is not considered the number one cause of obesity, it can help build the school financially and studentsRead MoreFood Stamps and Junk Food822 Words   |  3 PagesWhat do you mostly spend your money on? Thesis: Mostly everyone spends their money on junk food and clothes. Most teenagers that are attending high school have jobs. Like I said most teens! They are either working because they believe that having their own money will prevent them from asking their parents for any type of financial help for anything. Most teens start work at fast-foods places, shoe stores and retail jobs. Once they get that bi-weekly check my question to you is what do you spendRead MoreEssay On Junk Food In Schools1222 Words   |  5 Pages90 percent of school lunches refrain from serving fresh foods (â€Å"The Real Problem with Lunch†). School lunches are no longer prepared from scratch easily now entrusted to highly processed foods. Clearly, one-third of American children’s diet consists of fast food (â€Å"The Real Problem with Lunch†). Junk foods in schools have become a profound issue in many states of the US. Laws have been formulated to forbid unwholesome meals by expelling or reducing the accessibility of related foods held by the institutesRe ad MorePros And Cons Of Junk Food801 Words   |  4 PagesRelease the ban! There should not be a reason why junk food is practically banned in the school systems today. The Government makes a huge amount of profit from people buying junk food for themselves and for their kids. Some people know how to control how much they eat and exercise to stay away from obesity. It is in the people’s control of what they can and cannot eat not the governments. The Government should release the junk food ban on school districts because, schools aren’t making money anymoreRead MoreJunk Food Should Be Banned835 Words   |  4 PagesJunk food is currently banned from school to help decrease obesity, but it may turn out that it is doing more harm than good. Junk food is a favorite amongst students and the ban on it has affected students as well as the schools themselves. The ban on junk food should be repealed, mainly because students will get junk food on their own, but the schoo ls are also suffering from this ban, and finally, studies show that junk food is not the only cause of obesity. The first reason why we need to take

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Academic Editing Service and How to Avoid It

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Five Generic Competitive Strategies free essay sample

There are five generic business strategies that companies choose from when trying to successfully compete within their respective industries. This is the first choice a company must make, even before deciding an overall strategy. These generic business strategies include low-cost provider strategy, broad differentiation strategy, best-cost provider strategy; focused strategy based on low costs, and focused strategy based on differentiation. These strategies have many advantages as well as disadvantages. Choosing which one to use depends on what market position a company wants to pursue. Deciding to be more offensive or defensive also plays a role in choosing a business strategy. Some of these strategies are focused while others appeal to a broader spectrum of customers. These strategies can also be combine which allows a company to be even more competitive or to appeal to a new customer base (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) Companies can also choose to start with one strategy and switch to another one to achieve a business turnaround. We will write a custom essay sample on The Five Generic Competitive Strategies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although many companies use the same strategy, no two companies will ever really have the same business strategies. This is because of the countless unique variations that can be added by each company, which can yield as many business strategies as there are businesses. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) The low-cost provider strategy is setting a lower price than the competitors while trying to appeal to more customers. This strategy is very powerful in a market where there are price sensitive buyers. When companies strive for cost advantage over their competitors, they must include special features and services that buyers consider essential. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) Also, this strategy can be very prevailing when demand is price elastic; all firms the industry produce essentially the standardized products; there are not many ways of achieving product differentiation that have much value to buyers; most buyers utilize product in the same way; and buyer incur few switching costs in changing from one seller to another and thus are strongly inclined to shop for the best price. Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Trying to be the industry leader in achieving an overall low cost position entails being beating out competitors in building the most efficient plants, implementing cost-reducing technological advances, in getting the sales and market share needed to capitalize on learning and experience curve effects, in maintaining a tight grip on overhead and other administrative types of fixed costs, and in containing costs in such areas as research and development, advertising, service and distribution. By doing this, there are many advantages to using the low-cost strategy. Some advantages include: having the best position to compete offensively on the basis of price; having partial profit margin protection from powerful customers; being more insulated than competitors from powerful suppliers if its greater efficiency allows more pricing rooms to cope with increases in the costs of purchased material; and being in a favorable position in regards to barriers to entry. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Although there are many advantages to using the low-cost strategy, there are some disadvantages as well. One disadvantage is cutting prices too low and ending up with lower profitability. A second pitfall or disadvantage of low-cost strategy is not emphasizing avenues of cost advantage that can be kept proprietary or that relegate rivals to play catch up. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) Another disadvantage is the technological changes which can result in cost or process breakthroughs that nullify pas investments and efficiency gains. Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Strategic success in trying to be a low-cost firm usually requires a company to be the overall cost leader, not just one of the several firms trying for the position. When there is more than one aspiring low-cost firm, rivalry among them is typically fierce. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart and Nucor Corporation are some companies who use the low-cost strategy. Here are some of Southwest’s key characteristics of its low-cost strategy: †¢Mastery of fst turnarounds at gates (25 minutes vs.  45 minutes for rivals) which allows planses to fly more hours per day, more flights to be scheduled per day with fewer aircraft and more revenue generated per plane on average than rivals; †¢Elimination of several services including in-flight meals, assigned seating and baggage transfer to connecting airlines results in costs savings; and †¢Fast, user-friendly online reservation system by facilitating e-ticket ing and reducing staffing requirements at telephone reservation centers and airport counters. (Kuzmicki, 2009) Another generic competitive strategy is broad differentiation strategies. According to Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble, in â€Å"Crafting and Executing Strategy†, broad differentiation strategy is seeking to differentiate the company’s product offering from rivals in ways that will appear to a brad spectrum of buyers. A company attempting to succeed through differentiation must study buyers’ needs and behavior carefully to learn what buyers consider important, what they think has value, and what they are willing to pay for. Then the company has to incorporate buyer-desired attributes into its product or service offering that will clearly set it apart from rivals. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) â€Å"Differentiation strategy is most likely to produce an attractive and lasting competitive edge when it is based on technical superiority, quality, giving customers more support services, and the appeal of more value for the money. † (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Differentiation strategies work best in cases when there are various ways to differentiate the product or service and these differences are perceived by some buyers to have value; customers’ needs and uses of the item are diverse; and not many competitors’ firms are following a differentiation strategy. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Differentiations strategy has some advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages include the ability to have insulation against the strategies of rivals because customers establish a preference or loyalty for the brand or model; to erect entry barriers in the form of customer loyalty and uniqueness for new comers to hurdle; to mitigate the bargaining power of large buyers since the products of alternative sellers are less attractive to them; and put a firm in a better position to ward off threats from substitutes to the extent that it has built a loyal clientele. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Some pitfalls of the differentiation strategy include rapid imitations because competitors often reestablish similarity; buyers can see little value in the unique attributes of a company’s product; overspending on efforts to differentiate the company’s product offering which causes low profitability; over differentiating so that product quality or service levels exceed buyers’ needs; trying to a high price premium; and being timid and not striving to open up meaningful gaps in quality, service or performance. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) Many of companies use differentiation strategies which enhances profitability whenever the extra price the product commands out weighs the added costs of achieving the differentiation. Companies can practice differentiation from many angles. Microsoft Vista and Office and iPhone use multiple features to differentiate. Karastan in carpets, Michelin in tires, and Toyota and Honda in cars use quality manufacture as an angle. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) Best-cost provider strategies are another generic competitive strategy. These strategies aim at providing more value for the money. â€Å"A company achieves best-cost status from an ability to incorporate attractive or upscale attributes at a lower cost than rivals. † (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) These attributes can be appealing features, excellent product performance or quality, or attractive customer service. The best-cost provider strategies work best in markets where buyer diversity makes product differentiation the norm and where many consumers are sensitive to price and value. This concept is true because a firm using the best-cost strategies can position itself in the middle of the market with either a medium quality product at a below average price or a high quality product at an average or slightly higher price. There is one big disadvantage to the best-cost provider strategies. It is getting in the middle of the strategies of firms using low-cost and high-end differentiation strategies. Customers might be driven to the low-cost providers by the appeal of the lower price despite the less appealing  product attributes. Also, the some customers might be attracted to the high-end differentiators with the appeal of better product attributes even though their products carry a higher price tag. Therefore, a company using the best-cost provider strategies must offer customers better product attributes in order to justify a price above what low-cost leaders are charging and it has to achieve lower costs in providing top notch features so that it can beat out high-end differentiators on the basis of significantly lower prices. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) As discussed in our textbook, â€Å"Crafting and Executing Strategy†, by Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, Toyota used the best-cost provider strategy for its Lexus division. Here are some of the key characteristics of the strategy. One characteristic was to design an array of high-performance elements and upscale features into Lexus models to make them comparable in performance /luxury to other high-end model, i. e. Mercedes, BMW. Another characteristic was to transfer its capabilities in making high-quality Toyota models at low cost to making premium-quality Lexus models at costs below other luxury car makers. Toyota used its relatively lower manufacturing costs to underpriced comparable Mercedes and BMW models. Another characteristic was to establish a new network of Lexus dealers, separate from Toyota dealers, dedicated to providing a level of personalized customer service unmatched in the industry. Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) The other two generic competitive strategies are the focused (market niche) strategies. These two strategies are the focused low-cost strategy and the focused differentiation strategy. The distinguishing feature of a focus strategy is that the firm specializes in serving only a portion of the total market. The underlying premise is that a firm can serve its narrow target market more effectively or more efficiently tan rivals that position themselves broadly. The competitive advantage of a focus strategy is earned either by differentiation, achieving lower costs in serving the target market, or both. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) A focused strategy based on low cost aims at securing a competitive advantage by serving consumers in the target market niche at a lower costs and a lower price than rival competitors. Focused low-cost strategies are fairly common. According to Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, in â€Å"Crafting and Executing Strategy†, The Perrigo Company has become a leading manufacturer of over-the-counter health care products, with 2007 sales of more than $1. 4 billion, by focusing on producing private-label brands for retailers such as Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite-AID, and Safeway. Also, Motel 6 has used a low-cost strategy in catering to budget-conscious travelers who just want to pay for a clean, no-frills place to spend the night. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) According to Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, in â€Å"Crafting and Executing Strategy†, A focused strategy based on differentiation aims at securing a competitive advantage with a product offering carefully designed to appeal to the unique preferences and needs of a narrow, well-defined group of buyers (as distinguished from a broad differentiation strategy aimed at many buyer groups and market segments). Companies like Godiva Chocolates, Chanel, Gucci, Rolls-Royce, employ successful differentiation-based focused strategies targeted at upscale buyers wanted products and services with world-class attributes. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) The focused strategies work best with certain favorable market conditions. One favorable market condition is having a target market niche that is large enough to be profitable and offers a good growth potential. Another market condition is firms not seeing a presence in the niche as crucial to their success. If it is costly or difficult for multi-segment competitors to put capabilities in place to meet the specialized need of buyers which will comprise the target market niche and satisfy the expectations of their mainstream customers at the same time. Another condition is if the industry has many different niches and segments which allow a focuser to pick a competitively attractive niche suited to its resource strengths and capabilities. Also, if other competitors are attempting to specialize in the same target causing a condition that reduces the risk of segment overcrowding. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) There are a few risk associated with using the focus strategies. One risk is the possibility that broad-range competitors will find effective ways to match the focused firm in serving the narrow target market. Another risk is shifts in buyer preferences and needs away from the firm’s special product attributes toward more generally available features desired by the target segment. Also, the chance that competitors will find smaller segments within the target segment and â€Å"out focus† the firm. (Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Michael Porter said, â€Å"Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals to deliver a unique mix of value. † (Kuzmicki, 2009) Companies should choose from five generic business strategies when trying to successfully compete within their industries. As discussed above, the generic business strategies are the low-cost provider strategy, the broad differentiation strategy, the best-cost provider strategy; the focused strategy based on low costs, and the focused strategy based on differentiation. There are many benefits and risks to using these strategies. Also, companies have to be very careful in choosing the right strategy or strategies to pursue because the choosing the right generic strategy will affect several aspects of how the business will operate and the manner in which value chain activities must be managed. This decision is the most important decision a company will make because of its huge impact on the business. Firms can also choose to combine or switch between strategies. They must find the best strategy for the company without getting torn between the pros and cons of the various strategies and opt for â€Å"stuck-in-the-middle strategies†. These strategies rarely produce sustainable competitive advantage. If a company makes a vital commitment to one of the five generic competitive strategies, it will stand a chance of succeeding and sustaining competitive advantage. (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2010) â€Å"Winners in business play rough and don’t apologize for it. The nicest part of playing hardball is watching your competitors squirm,† said George Stalk Jr. and Rob Lachenauer. (Kuzmicki, 2009) References

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Desert Ecosystems Complex Interrelationships

An ecosystem refers to different sets of interrelationships among living organisms, human beings and to the way they interact with their environment. The paper will focus on complex interrelationships of a desert ecosystem. Deserts are located near two tropics: the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; these two latitudes describe the zones where the sun is about ninety percent at noon.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Desert Ecosystem’s Complex Interrelationships specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Deserts are divided into categories some of which include hot and cold deserts but they tend to have similar characteristics. An example of a cold desert is the Antarctica desert that is among the world’s largest deserts (Tewari, 1994). A desert’s is divided into abiotic and biotic components by structure; this in lay terms refers to non-living and living components of the ecosystem. Some of the abioti c components include soil. The main type of soil found in the desert is sandy soil characterized by alkaline PH, such soils have fewer organic matter and low water holding capacity hence referred to as poor soils. Water is another abiotic component whereby deserts are characterized by little or no water. Temperature as an abiotic component tends to be high during the day and relatively low at night. Wind and climate are also abiotic components. Biotic components of a desert ecosystem consist of plants and animals, whereby these organisms have the ability to sustain extreme temperatures. They also tend to have low production levels and lack diversity because of nutrient inadequacy in this ecosystem. Desert functionality calls for different cycles, for example, the carbon cycle takes a continuous form. The cycle capitalizes on activities of biotic components, as plants take carbon dioxide, water and light in the process of trying to make food and compounds full of carbon. When these p lants wither or die, they rot hence giving back carbon elements that had been taken from the soil earlier. Later on young sprouting plants take in these elements. Animals play a vital role in ensuring the success of the carbon cycle, during respiration they do breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. When these animals die, they decompose giving back nutrients to the soil, and this ensures continuity of the cycle. Another cycle in the desert ecosystem is the nitrogen cycle; it refers to how nitrogen is consumed and replaced back to the ecosystem. In a desert ecosystem, the cycle begins with desert plants taking up nitrogen, animals then consume these plants rich in nitrogen as food, the animals are consumed by other animals (carnivores).When this happens nitrogen that was taken from the plants is transferred to the carnivores. In case of death or excretion their remains decompose giving back nitrogen to the soil, soil organisms then assimilate it making it available for the us e by plants.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Functionality of the desert ecosystem is normally disturbed by certain causes some of which include natural causes. Such natural occurrences as earthquakes, earth tremors and landslides may lead to alteration of the normal functionality of the ecosystem. This may lead to the destruction of the soil structure and general structure of the desert. It may also interfere with the land and the normal systems like gaseous exchange and production levels in the desert. Anthropogenic disturbances may also interfere with the desert ecosystem; some of these include mining activities, infrastructure development activities, air pollution, overgrazing and military training activities. High occurrence of these anthropogenic activities leads to the destruction of vegetation in the desert, unstable soils in terms of structure and increased soil e rosion. Ecosystems recover from initial disturbances through resilience and the theory of secondary succession. Resilience refers to the ability of an environment to maintain its original state, activities and functions despite stress. It is a combination of methods helping to increase the system’s productivity by providing the resources for higher production. Maintenance of local characteristics of the ecosystem helps it to recover; these characteristics will help decrease soil erosion, maintain soil structure and increase diversity. Secondary succession theory can also facilitate this recovery strategy using the above quoted methods. Reference Tewari, D. N. (1994). Desert ecosystem. Dehradun, India: International Book Distributors. This essay on The Desert Ecosystem’s Complex Interrelationships was written and submitted by user Jay Cooley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.