Saturday, November 2, 2019

Data analysis Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Data analysis - Speech or Presentation Example Teachers report using many of the reform strands almost every day or several times a week. The reforms most used (by at least 70% of the teachers) were constructivism, learning styles, thematic approach, alternative assessment, equity, STS, technology, and science subject matter. Alternative assessment (90%), equity (88%), and technology (83%) were the most used reform strands the teachers reporting using it â€Å"almost every day† or â€Å"several times a week†. Classroom management stood out among the reform strands least implemented in the classroom. Only 45% of teachers reported using classroom management almost every day or several times a week. Less frequently used reform strands (used once a week, less than once a week, or never) by over 30% of teachers include classroom management (55%), cooperative learning (42%), hands-on/minds-on activities (37%), and nature of science (30%). Considering all items measuring the necessity of the reforms to be an effective science teacher are equal, a new variable â€Å"belief† was formed. Similarly, a new variable â€Å"implementation† was formed by adding all items in implementation of the reform in teacher

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