Monday, May 18, 2020

Examples Of Educational Programs - 1109 Words

GOOD IDEAS: ï‚ ¾ Educational programming: †¢ Nutrition †¢ Personal finance †¢ Dermatology: Skin cancer and the effects of the sun and tanning †¢ Car maintenance: Information about tires and oil changes, driving tips for snowy conditions, etc. †¢ Safety tips: Self-defense, how to stay safe during spring break, etc. †¢ Police: Alcohol, drugs, fake IDs, rights, etc. †¢ Insurance: Life, home, and auto insurance †¢ Financial planning: 401(k)s, mutual funds, investing money, etc. †¢ Environmental awareness †¢ Stress management †¢ Safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases †¢ Gender identity †¢ Risk prevention and liability †¢ Etiquette †¢ Dance: Ballroom, line dancing, etc. †¢ Body and soul: Aromatherapy, aerobics, yoga, etc. ï‚ ¾ Greek program nights: Plan with†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Human timeline: Give each person an important event in Kappa’s history and have everyone get in order by event date. †¢ Kappa feud: Learn the Founders, famous Kappas, and Kappa facts by playing a game of Family Feud. ï‚ ¾ Founders Day: †¢ Have a party for the Founders. †¢ Do an AE-style interview of the six Founders. †¢ Write fun facts on placemats or plates. †¢ Lay out old composites. †¢ Organize speakers from each decade to talk about their Kappa experiences. †¢ Dress from a previous decade for a â€Å"come-as-you-were† theme. ï‚ ¾ Senior activity and recognition: †¢ Senior speaks: Allow each senior to give a short, three-to-five-minute talk about a topic of her choice, (e.g., words of wisdom, things she wishes she knew earlier, a poem, organizations she’s been involved in, etc.). †¢ Senior of the week/senior spotlight: Each senior chooses her favorite dinner and music and she is highlighted during a chapter meeting. †¢ Senior cookbook: Write to the parents of each senior to ask for their daughter’s favorite recipe. Compile them into a book and present it to the seniors. †¢ Senior w ills: Have seniors give away their fun items and crazy clothing. †¢ Senior superlatives: Recognize seniors with awards such as â€Å"most likely to open her own company,† â€Å"most likely to be the President of the Fraternity,† etc. †¢ Kappa konnection: Educate seniors about the programs that could help them find Kappas when moving to new places. †¢ Sapphire sister: Pair seniors with alumnae toShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Educational Programs1117 Words   |  5 PagesGOOD IDEAS: ï‚ ¾ Educational programming: †¢ Nutrition †¢ Personal finance †¢ Dermatology: Skin cancer and the effects of the sun and tanning †¢ Car maintenance: Information about tires and oil changes, driving tips for snowy conditions, etc. †¢ Safety tips: Self-defense, how to stay safe during spring break, etc. †¢ Police: Alcohol, drugs, fake IDs, rights, etc. †¢ Insurance: Life, home, and auto insurance †¢ Financial planning: 401(k)s, mutual funds, investing money, etc. †¢ Environmental awareness †¢ StressRead MoreExamples Of Educational Facilities And Programs1283 Words   |  6 PagesEducational Facilities Programs The education system in the city of McAllen is rich. 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