Saturday, May 23, 2020

Failing School Systems Are Students to Blame Essay

The United States educational system is failing. This topic is in the news repeatedly. Failing schools are a problem that must fixed. However, it cannot be fixed until we figure out its real cause. Many people put the blame on the government, school officials, and teachers. Critics such as Geoffrey Canada, the founder of the Harlem Children’s Zone, say that the problem lies within the public schools. He states, â€Å"Public schools are bad, privately managed charter schools are good† (Ravitch 1). This may be a true statement but there must also be an underlying cause for low school performance. Nobody ever thinks the students may have something to do with this problem. The students are the ones who are taking the tests, paying attention in†¦show more content†¦He had bad grades, and according to his teachers an unwillingness to learn. However, soon after a wealthy Caucasian family took him in. As soon as he began to get the love and support that he needed, he b egan to transform into the teenager that he knew he could always be. His grades, attitude, and abilities improved. On top of that, he became one of the star football players on his high school team. This goes to show that a little love and support can take a person a long way. There are various reasons why a student cannot succeed or perform to their full potential. Some reasons they have control over such as the amount of effort put into school and homework. Many students do not want to put in the necessary effort needed to succeed in school. They may not have the willingness to learn. This could be because they do not have the focus for school. Even if they have the focus, some choose not come or participate in class. This can be because students feel like it is not cool to join into class discussions. The students need to be willing to complete all their homework in a timely fashion and turn it in. They must also study and be able to take all tests given. If the students take the responsibility to do these things, they can have a chance to succeed despite other problems. Financial limitations can put a significant strain on a student’s achievement. These financial limitations can come from the government.Show MoreRelated‚Äà ²Discuss How Far Sociologists Would Agree That Teenage Criminal and Deviant Behaviour Results from Parents Failing to Socialise Their Children Correctly‚Äà ´977 Words   |  4 Pagesâ €˜Discuss how far sociologists would agree that teenage criminal and deviant behaviour results from parents failing to socialise their children correctly’ In this essay I will be discussing how far sociologists would agree that teenage criminal and deviant behaviour results from parents failing to socialise their children correctly. 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